Please, Anonymous--take off your Guy Fawkes masks. Your severe inability to comprehend V for Vendetta has become a historical embarrassment of epic proportion. I'd like to make a few points:
1. Do you utilize explosives? Guy Fawkes was hanged for his intention to use them, and as far as fiction goes, V from V for Vendetta relied considerably on the physical destruction of key infrastructures to accomplish his goals. Your attacks consist of interfering with websites and verbally harassing people. Take the mask off.
2. On top of bombing buildings, V was exceptionally talented at assassinating key government figures. Let's not forget that the act of killing on his part was partially motivated by revenge; he'd not only been disfigured and transformed by government experiments, but he'd watched as the entire country was mobbed by its own military. Abductions, torture, theocracy. And you, Anonymous, sincerely believe that your "suffering" is on par with V's? You seriously believe that the absence of Linux on the PS3 is even vaguely comparable to that? Enough of your inanity. Take off the mask.
3. In V for Vendetta, V functioned as the leader of a revolution. He did the difficult work--the bombings and the assassinations--allowing himself to become a target for his enemies to focus on. By the time V had intended for the public to become involved, he'd already paved the way for their success. When they marched, they marched against a government he'd robbed of its evil, driving forces. Without puppet-masters to control the puppets, the puppets fell limp and useless. In other words, V made a great sacrifice to ensure the safety of his followers and the effectiveness of his plan.
You, on the other hand, Anonymous, not only lack the courage to profess leadership and face your enemy directly, but you also require that your followers endanger themselves. And for what? The glory of temporarily meddling with a company's website? Is it really worth sending young, impressionable minds to prison so you can accomplish relatively nothing? Well, to you--the cowardly leaders of Anonymous--I suppose it is. You are villains, after all. Take off the mask.
4. V had class. When he spoke to the world, it wasn't for the purpose of verbally building himself up and flaunting his power. V spoke to inspire and reassure the public. He followed through with actions that were meaningful enough to help the public develop trust in him and courage of their own--but unlike you, Anonymous, he did not encourage them to become a living shield so that he could hide in safety. No, V asked for very little: on this day, come together, and I will clear the way for you.
And it made sense. V possessed powers and resources that the average citizen did not, and he accepted the responsibility that followed. Anonymous, you merely have the power to tamper with websites and, with the help of identity-theft and some luck, convince the employees of your enemy to provide you with passwords. The fact is that you lack the power or ability to create significant and lasting change. And that's including the power of literature, since every opportunity you receive for publicity is wasted on feeble attempts at terrorism and self-glorification. You'll never be as eloquent, as classy, as intelligent, or as well-educated as V. Take off the mask.