Sunday, April 24, 2011

Anonymous Teams Up With Corrupt, Anti-American Pro-Libertarian Government-Funded News Station

Imagine this: you're watching the news, and suddenly a story about Anonymous pops up. "Alright," you think. "This should be interesting." You watch for a minute, and then something strange happens: the reporter looks straight at you and says, "Do not mess with Anonymous." Whoa! Seem a little biased? Well, have a look for yourself. Skip to 1:55 if you're impatient.

Notice anything else that was, perhaps, disturbing? Maybe when she openly smeared the FBI?
"I hate to say it, but, they had to see this one coming, right? When the FBI started issuing search warrants for members of the organization--forty of them, executed last week here in the U.S. When they arrested five people in relation to the attacks in the U.K. What did they think was going to happen?"
Welcome to the wonders of extremely biased news network, Russia Today, or RT. You may be surprised to learn that RT and FOX News have a few things in common. Oh, it's not just the biased reporting. Both FOX News and RT have an active agenda against President Obama. These news stations have even both picked up the same stories to deprecate Obama with:
Fox News began to air allegations of an anti-white bias at the Obama Justice Department. But almost no one else reported on the case—it was old, tenuous, and even a prominent conservative commenter called it “small potatoes.” One outlet that did pick up the story, however, was Russia Today, a fairly new and still mostly obscure English-language cable news channel funded by the Russian government
Of course, there's a fundamental difference between FOX News and RT--you know, the whole "funded by the Russian government" thing. And you'll see it here in the drastically different way that FOX News portrays Anonymous.

Now, why do you think it is that while FOX News is willing to explore the harm done by Anonymous, RT seems to completely disregard it? Why is it that RT praises Anonymous so strongly for striking back against the FBI? Well, the most likely answer is that Russia Today is an anti-American news station, and something very strange is going on here.

Allow me to provide you with more information. Anonymous has granted RT several interviews in the past. One could say that RT has become the preferred news outlet for Anonymous to work with. And the question must be asked: why is Anonymous whoring themselves out to a news station that represents the very principles they're supposed to be fighting against? Bending the truth--suppressing the truth--and omitting relevant facts for political reasons. Terrorism; which is what, "Do not mess with Anonymous," proclaimed by a news station, falls dangerously close to. Especially when it's directed at the American government.

Of course, it all makes sense. Why wouldn't Anonymous resort to this kind of thing in a desperate attempt to boost their image? Well, it's too late, Anonymous. We're on to you.