Sunday, April 24, 2011

The PSN Outage, and Why Anonymous is Afraid to Admit Involvement

The petulant narcissism and desperate vanity that is Anonymous continues to devour itself with each passing day. In all of their history, Anonymous had never backed down and never denied responsibility for their actions. Why is it that now, Anonymous claims they have ceased their attack on the Playstation Network? They never forgive, and never forget. I mean, seriously--these guys wear Guy Fawkes masks. Clearly, you don't mess with them. How is it, then, that they're suddenly so vulnerable? Arguably, tricking children into watching pornography is a worse offense than interfering with the Playstation Network. And yet, they didn't flinch back then. Why now?

Because a raging fanboy is nothing to mess with. Anonymous had never suffered such a grievous blow to their image until they incurred the wrath of the gaming community. The net is ablaze with condemnation, and there's no turning back. Here's a small sampling of what can be found in the comment sections of Anonymous-related articles [all emphasis mine]:
"For an anonymous group they sure care about their web image. One could easily read quite a lot about people who make those videos from the way they (re)act."
 "Wow....anonymous get dumber and dumber every fucking day....they said that other members of anonymous acted out but anops didn't. So doesn't that defeat the whole, "we are one, we are legion, we are anonymous" slogan?.....Yeah..nice try idiots, anonymous is anonymous, it's too late. You rejects are finally realizing that NO ONE likes you for your blind actions.

You try to make it seem as if you're the heroes but don't realize your the antagonist. You guys are outcast to the gaming community, you'll never fit in no matter how hard you try. It's to late, bring psn back up and hide in your caves in shame. You guys are officially the outcast of the gaming/tech industry
"They claim that every time they get crapped on by people on the net it actually helps their cause. You're hurting yourselves by hurting us is the message they're trying to convey here.

It's laughable. This is nothing more than a poor attempt at tryin' to silence the masses.
Oops! Where did you go wrong, Anonymous? You were so lost, staring at your own reflections in your magic mirrors, that you couldn't see beyond your ridiculous fantasies. You were so proud, fancying yourselves as social engineers. What kind of social engineers are so inept that they sabotage themselves with their own propaganda?

The very core of Anonymous is image. Even casual observers have noticed this, thanks to the gaping vulnerabilities in every clip of Anonymous propaganda. And the reason that Anonymous is suddenly backing down (and resorting to stalking children) has everything to do with their image. Destroy the illusion of their power, their ability to terrorize, and especially the illusion that they're heroes, and you've all but destroyed Anonymous itself. What are they going to do, press on while regarded as villains?

And that is one of the reasons why Anonymous will not admit responsibility for the PSN outage. Their image is in critical condition. Now, if you read their related release at AnonOps, you'll see that they actually tried to turn the outage to their advantage and declared that Sony used the outage to turn gamers against them. So, now Anonymous wants us to feel sorry for them. And why? Because it'll help them repair their image.

The second reason why Anonymous won't admit responsibility for the outage is actually a simple and clever reason: if you trust what they say, you're effectively placing them in a safety zone to continue attacking PSN. As soon as you say, "But Anonymous already said they didn't do it," what does that allow them to do? Launch another attack under your protection.

It's a funny coincidence that after all of that talk from Anonymous about never forgiving and never forgetting, the gaming community are the ones holding the rights to those words now. In the words of one of the commenters above,
Yeah..nice try idiots, anonymous is anonymous, it's too late.